Listado de Publicaciones Científicas del año 2017
List of Scientific Publications 2017
- Rey, RA Commentary on sperm DNA fragmentation testing clinical guideline. Translational andrology and urology:AME Publishing Company,2017-.ISSN 2223-4683.
- Pardo ML, Musso M, Keselman A, Gruñeiro-Papendieck L, Begada I, Chiesa A. Perfiles cognitivos en pacientes con hipotiroidismo congénito detectado y tratado en forma temprana. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría, Buenos Aires: Soc Argentina de Pediatría 2017-. vol 1, pag 12-17 ISSN 0325 0075.
- Del Rey G. Obituary Dra. Teresa E. Ciacci Angeleri de Negrotti (Tita Journal of Basic Applied Genetics., Buenos Aires. Sociedad Argentina de Genética 2017-. vol XXVI p 51-53 .ISSN 1852 6233.
- Recabarren, SE, Recabarren N, Sandoval D, Carrasco A, Padmanabhan V, Rey R, Richter HG, Perez-Marin CC, Sir-Petermann T, Rojas-Garcia PP. Puberty arises with testicular alterations and defective AMH expression in rams prenatally exposed to testosterona. Domestic Animal Endocrinology.: ELSIEVIER SCIENCE INC 2017-. vol 61, p 100-107. ISSN 0739-7240.
- Kranenburg LJC, Reerds STH, Cools M, Alderson J, Muscarella M, Magrite E, Kuiper MJN, Abdelgaffar S, Balsamo A, Brauner R, Chanoine JP, Deeb A, Fechner P, German A, Holterhus PM, Juul A, Mendonca BB, Neville K, Nordenstrom A, Oostdijk W, Rey RA, Rutter MM,Shah N, Luo X, Grijpink K, Drop SLS. Global application of the assessment of communication skills of paediatric endocrinology fellows in the management of differences in sex development using the ESPE portal. Hormone Research in Paediatrics.: S Karger AG, 2017-. ISSN 1663-2818.
- Spécola N, Chiesa A. Alternative therapies for PKU. Journal of in Born Errors of Metabolism and Screening.: SAGE, 2017-.vol 5, p1-5. ISSN 2326-4098.
- Domené HM. El déficit de ALS en la baja talla idiopática. Revista Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica., Barcelona: Pulso Ediciones, 2017-. Vol 115, nº8, p.8-13. ISSN 2013-7788.
- Forclaz V, Morato E, Pennisi A, Falco S, Olsen G, Rodríguez P, Papazian R, Bregadá I. Salivary and serum cortisol levels in newborn infants Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría., Buenos Aires: Soc Argentina de Pediatría, 2017-. Vol 115, nº03, ISSN 0325-0075.
- Prasad R, Hadjidemetriou I, Maharaj A; Meimaridou E, Buonocore F, Saleem M, Hurcombe I, Bierzynska A, Barbagelata E, Bregadá I, Cassinelli H, Das U, Krone R, Hacihamdioglu B, Sari E, Yesilkaya E, Storr HL, Clemente M, Fernandez- Cancio M, Camats N, Ram N, Achermann JC, Van Veldhoven PP, Guasti L, Braslavsky D, Guran T, Metherell LA. Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase mutations cause primary adrenal insufficiency and stertoid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Journal of clinical investigation. : Amer. Soc. Clinical Investigation inc, 2017-. Vol 127, nº3, p. 942.
- Scaglia PA, Keselman AC, Braslavsky D, Martucci LC, Karabatas LM, Domené S, Gutierrez ML, Ballerini MG, Ropelato MG, Spinola- Castro A, Siviero-Miachon AA, Tartuci JS, Rodriguez Azrak S, Rey RA, Jasper HG, Bergadá I, Domené HM. Characterization of four latin american families confirms previous findings and reveals novel feactures of acid-labile subunit deficiency. Clinical Endocrinology., Londres: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing,Inc,2017-.vol 87,n3, p300-311.ISSN 0300-0.664.
- Ballerini MG, Braslavsky D, Sacaglia PA, Keselman A, Rodrigez ME, Martinez A, Freire AV. Dómenme, Jasper HG, Bregada I, Ropelato MG. Circulating IGF-I , IGBP-3 and the IGF-I/IGFBP-3 molar ratio concentration and height outcome in prepubertal short children on rhGh treatment over two years of therapy. Hormona Research in Paediatrics., Basilea: S Karger AG,2017-. Vol 88, nª5.P354- 363. ISSN1663-2818
- Regueira M, Rindone GM, Galardo MN, Pellizzari EH, Cigorraga SB, Meroni SB, Riera MF. Germ cells regulate 3-hydroxybutyrate production in rat Sertoli cells. General and Comparative Endocrinology.: Academic Press inc Elsevier Science, 2017-.vol 248, p5-15. ISSN 0016-6480.
- Bergadá I, Rey R. In memoriam: Juan Jorge Heinrich, MD, PhD (1937-2016). Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews. Netanya: Y.S: Medical Media Ltd.,2017-. vol 14, p273-273. ISSN 1565-4753.
- Bergadá I, Keselman A, Rey R. Juan Jorge Heinrich, MD, PhD,1937&ndas h;2016. Hormone Research in Paediatrics . Basilea: Karger,2017-. vol 87, nº6, p. 423-424. ISSN 1663-2818.
- Galardo MNL, Gorga A, Merlo J, Regueira M, Pellizzari EH, Cigorraga SB, Riera MF, Meroni SB. Participation of HIFs in the regulation of Sertoli Cell lactate production. Biochimie., Paris: Elsevier france-editions scientifiques medicales Elsevier, 2017-. vol 132, p.9-18. ISSN 0300-9084
- Braslavsky D, Méndez MV, Prieto L, Keselman A, Enacan R, Gruñeiro-PapendieckL, Jullien N, Savenau A, Reynaud R, Brue T, Bergadá I, Chiesa A. Pilot neonatal screening program for central congenital hypothyroidism: Evidence of significant detection. Hormona Research in Paediatrics. , Basilea:Karger, 2017-. vol. 88, nº3-4, p.274-280. ISSN 1663-2818.
- Gorga A, Rindone G, Regueira M, Pellizari EH, Camberos MC, Cigorraga SB, Riera MF, Galardo MN, Meroni SB. PPARgamma; activation regulates lipid droplet formation and lactate production in rat Sertoli cells. Cell and Tissue Research. , Berlin: Springer, 2017-. vol 369, nº3, p. 611-624. ISSN 0302-766X.
- Andreone L, Ambao V, Pellizari EH, Loreti N, Cicorraga SB, Campo S. Role of FSH glycan structure in the regulation of Sertoli cells inhibin production. Reproduction. , Bristol: Bioscientifica ltd, 2017-. vol. 154, nº5, p. 711-721. ISSN 1470-1626
- Colombero C, Papademetrio D, Sacca P, Mormandi E, Alvarez E,Nowicki S. Role of 20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-Hete) in androgen-mediated cell viavility in prostate cancer cell. Hormones and Cancer: Springer US, 2017-. vol 8, nº4, p.243-256.ISSN 1868-8497
- Enacan RE, Masnata ME, Belforte FS, Papendieck P, Olcese MC, Siffo S, Gruñeiro-Papendieck L, Targovnik HM, Rivolta CM, Chiesa A. Transient congenital hypothyroidism due to biallelic defects of DUOX2 gene. Two clinical cases. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría. Buenos Aires: Soc.Argentina de Pediatría, 2017-. vol.115, nº03, p162-165. ISSN 0.325-0075
- Ballerini MG, Gaido V, Rodríguez ME, Chiesa A, Ropelato MG. Prospective and descriptive study on serum androstenedione concentration in healthy children from birth until 18 years of age and is associated factors. Disease markers.: Hindawi, 2017-. vol 201, p. 1-6.
- Grinspon R, Braslavsky D, Chiesa A, Papendieck P, Pennisi P, Clément F, Vieites A, Keselmana, Gryngarten M, Freire AV, Ballerini MG, Rey R, Bérgada I, Domené H. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pedriátrica (SLEEP) Buenos Aires , Argentina. (November 8-11, 2016), Selected Highlights. Pedriatric Endocrinology reviews.: Netanya, Israel: Y.S. Medical media ltd, 2017-. vol 14, p390-401.ISSN 1565-4753
- Campos MLP, Musso M, Keselman A, Gruñeiro L, Bergadá I, Chiesa A. Cognitive profiles of patients with early detected and treated congenital hypothyroidism. Archivos argentinos de pediatría.: Soc Argentina pediatría, 2017-. vol.115, nº1, p.12-17.ISSN 0325-0075