CEDIE (the Spanish acronym for Centro de Investigaciones Endocrinológicas “Dr. César Bergadá”) is a pioneering Endocrinology Research Centre focused in Paediatric Endocrinology in Argentina.

Our mission is to combine clinical care, research and education in endocrine and other related metabolic diseases.

CEDIE/CONICET works together with the Buenos Aires Children's Hospital “Dr Ricardo Gutiérrez ” Endocrinology Department (HNRG, the Spanish acronym for Hospital de Niños “Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez”), an internationally renowned centre for the diagnosis and treatment of paediatric patients with endocrine diseases as well as a reference centre for postgraduate training for paediatric endocrinologists.

In 2016, HNRG opened the Translational Research Facility (TRF) in order to articulate high-level biomedical scientific research with hospital care, so that patients would more easily get access to advances in biomedical scientific research.

At present, more than 80 persons work in our Centre, including basic and clinical researchers and research fellows (doing postdoctoral research work); research assistants (supporting technicians and professionals); physicians and biochemists, medical interns and residents training as specialist practitioners; nurses and administrative staff.



Rodolfo Rey, MD, PhD  (contact: rodolforey@cedie.org.ar)


Former CEDIE Directors

Dr. César Bergadá, 1973 - 1997

Dr. Marta Barontini, 1997 - 2005

Dr. Héctor E. Chemes, 2005 - 2011


History In a Nutshell

CEDIE was created in May 1973 as the result of an agreement between the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), the Secretary of Health of the City of Buenos Aires and the Children's Endocrinology Foundation (FEI, the Spanish acronym for Fundación de Endocrinología Infantil).

Dr. César Bergadá was the first Director.  Moved by his own determination, he gave CEDIE the stamp of his wishes, "the creation of a centre of excellence in clinical research, especially in the area of Endocrinology, with a strong support of basic research, for the benefit of patients, the professional community and society at large”.

That is how CEDIE, as a result of the combination of CEDIE/CONICET, the Endocrinology Division/HNRG and FEI, has become one of the most renowned Paediatric Endocrinology Centres in Latin America.

